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2015年01月30日 18:55
據南韓媒體報導,Clara日前被爆與前東家鬧不合、誣告對方性騷擾,沒想到被起底主動傳比基尼照色誘老闆,隨後又爆出私下個性冷血,不想參加同公司女團Ladies' Code的喪禮,近日再被爆出年齡應為30歲,卻謊稱只有29歲,身陷醜聞深淵。
MILKING IT: The KMT later held its own flag-raising ceremony, at which Hung Hsiu-chu said that the party gets why ‘hardship’ was the public’s word of last yearBy Lin Liang-sheng and William Hetherington / Staff reporter, with staff writer and CNAIn a break with precedent, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) did not give a New Year’s Day speech yesterday morning, instead marking the occasion by attending a flag-raising ceremony and singing the national anthem along with members of the military.Tsai and Vice President Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) left the Presidential Office Building at 6:16am to join the hundreds of people already gathered in front to watch the New Year’s Day flag-raising ceremony, a tradition that has now been observed by four presidents.As the flag was raised, Tsai and Chen sang the national anthem along with the crowd and 45 soldiers from various units of the armed forces who recently received commendations for their distinguished performances over the past year.The ceremony was followed by a performance by a group of drummers made up of the Ministry of National Defense Symphony Orchestra and an indie band called Fire Ex, best known for writing a song for the Sunflower movement in 2014.In past years, following the ceremony, top officials have gathered indoors to hear a speech by the president.However, this year Tsai set out key areas of policy focus and expressed her hopes for the new year at a news conference on New Year’s Eve.Tsai was celebrating her first New Year’s Day as president.Former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) attended the ceremony, saying he was there in an informal capacity.He sang the national anthem and saluted the flag in a spot far from where Tsai and other officials, including Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), were standing.Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) accepted an invitation to attend the event, but also stood far way from Tsai.Hung, along with KMT vice chairmen Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌), Chen Chen-hsiang (陳鎮湘) and Lin Jung-tzer (林政則), later attended a separate flag-raising event held by the KMT in front of its party headquarters in Taipei.In a speech, Hung said that she “refuses to stand with a government that disregards the law and the Constitution, simply borrowing the shell of a government to take office.”The sight of a Republic of China flag being raised moves her deeply, she said, adding that the nation has seen both great hardships and prosperity in its 106 years of existence.“What pains me is that the nation is facing this kind of situation. We apologize to this flag, truly apologize to this flag that has created the Republic of China,” Hung said.Noting that the word “hardship” was chosen by the public as the word to represent last year, Hung said that the KMT also experienced the hardship of two successive failures.“We felt distraught and at a loss for morale. We did not know how to face the situation,” Hung said, alluding to the KMT’s failure in the presidential election and its loss of majority in the Legislative Yuan.Hung said that the KMT was working “for the public” and that it would work toward peaceful relations with China, adding that the party would fight against the government’s proposed lifting of a ban on imports of food products from five Japanese prefectures and would strictly supervise Tsai’s administration.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
(中央社記者康世人新德里29日專電)在印度以一連串動作升高與中國大陸的對抗姿態後,中國大陸外交部發言人華春瑩今天在答覆印度媒體問題時說,雙方一直探索透過外交管道,希望明年能解決中印兩大問題。 根據「印度新聞信託社」(PTI)報導,華春瑩是在北京的例行記者會上答覆PTI記者問題時,做上述表示。不過,這段問答並未出現在中國大陸外交部官網公布的中、英文問答內容中。 根據報導,在答覆問題時,華春瑩說,中國大陸與印度關係穩定發展,雙方領導人保持經常性接觸。「作為近鄰,我們兩個大國自然會有分歧,我們一直在探索透過外交管道解決的方式,... 希望為明年的雙邊關係取得更為豐碩的一年,同時解決兩大問題。」 她又說,2017年,中國大陸願與印度一起努力,妥善管理分歧,確保中印關係持續穩定發展。 華春瑩所稱的「兩大問題」,指的是中國大陸試圖透過解決印度加入核子供應國集團(NSG)和印度提報「穆罕莫德軍」(JeM)首領阿茲哈(Masood Azhar)列入聯合國恐怖份子黑名單等中印兩大歧見,希望在2017年與印度維持好關係。 印度之前把涉嫌主導攻擊印度空軍基地的阿茲哈向聯合國申請列入恐怖分子黑名單,但遭中國大陸、巴基斯坦以證據不足反對;PTI指出,隨著印度與中國大陸第二次技術磋商結束,印度最近將會提交一份新的控訴書,希望能為爭取中國大陸支持提供有力證據。 此外,在印度加入NSG議題上,報導說,印度與大陸官員在討論後,也希望明年能找到解決方案。過去堅持印度沒有簽署「不擴散核武器條約」(NPT),按照規定就不能加入NSG的中國大陸11月改變立場,希望能先找到一個接納非NPT簽署國加入NSG的方案,再具體討論接納非NPT簽署國為NSG會員。 印度最近允許美國駐印度大使赴印度與中國大陸有領土主權糾紛阿魯納查省(Arunachal Pradesh,大陸稱藏南地區)訪問,也允許達賴喇嘛於明年3月訪問阿魯納查省;印度總統穆克吉(Pranab Mukherjee)12月稍早還與達賴喇嘛見面;印度國會也於近日成立「印台國會友誼論壇」,都遭大陸方面抗議。 一些專家認為,印度上述動作是逐步升高對中國大陸的不滿與對抗。因此,大陸對這兩大中印歧見的鬆動,被視為是有意軟化立場,以阻止印度在西藏等諸多問題上的作為。1051229